
Past Presentations
“Disowned: Henry James’s The Princess Casamassima and the
Drama of Class.” America and Ownership: Territory, Slavery, Jubilee. 69th Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies, University of Rostock

“Criminal Associations: Law, Causation, and Allan Pinkerton’s The Mollie Maguires and the Detectives.” The Newberry Seminar in American Literature. Newberry Library, Chicago.

“Hyacinth’s Curse: Unsettling Performatives in Henry James’s The Princess Casamassima.Unsettling Law. 24th Conference of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities. Emory University School of Law.

“‘Law for man, and law for thing’: Emerson and the Right to Property.” Invited Lecture, Department for English and American Studies, University of Osnabrück

“Secret Societies, Deception, and Detection: Allan Pinkerton’s The Mollie Maguires and the Detectives.” Secrets. Biennial Conference of the Czech and Slovak Association for American Studies & 22nd International Colloquium of American Studies, Palacký University Olomouc

“Spies, Secret Societies, Agents Provocateurs: Allan Pinkerton’s True Crime.” Surveillance and Social Order – Visibility, Invisibility, and the Blurring of Boundaries, Lecture Series, Free University Berlin

“Allan Pinkerton’s The Mollie Maguires and the Thriller of Prevention.” The Genre of Genres: A Conference on Form, Format, and Cultural Formations, Biennial Conference of the Swiss Association for North American Studies, University of Lausanne        

“Describing Murder: Anna Katharine Green’s Criminal Procedure,” The Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Cultures Workshop, University of Chicago

“Foresight: O. W. Holmes Jr.’s Time Travels,” Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities, Stanford Law School

“‘Shot! Murdered!’: Anna Katharine Green’s The Leavenworth Case and the Logics of Action,” Criminal America: Reading, Studying and Teaching American Crime Fiction, American Literature Association Symposium, Chicago

“Writing Statistics: Jefferson, Biopolitics, and the Form of Notes on the State of Virginia.”American Cultures Working Group, University of Chicago

“Milly’s Last Will and Testament: The Wings of the Dove and the Logics of Inheritance.” Commemorating Henry James / Commemoration in Henry James, 2016 International Henry James Conference, Brandeis University.

“Melville’s Victorian Style: Reading Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War.” Unsettling, C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, State College, Pennsylvania

“Utopian Calculations: Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward.” Data Fictions: Naturalism, Narrative, and Numbers, Free University Berlin.

“On Consequences: Temporalities of Law in American Literature.” Habilkreis, Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin.

“Jefferson’s Statistics: The Method of Notes on the State of Virginia.” Invited lecture, Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies, Monticello.

“On Consequences.” Interdisciplinary Forum, Graduate School of North American Studies, Free University Berlin.

“Jefferson’s Statistics: Governmentality in the Notes on the State of Virginina.Empires and Imagination in Early America and the Atlantic World, European Early American Studies Association Conference, University of Bayreuth.

“Melville’s Victorian War Poetry.” Invited lecture, English Department, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.

“The Territorial Nature of War: Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book of the War.” American Imagetexts, University of East Anglia.

“Geography, Democracy, and the Aesthetics of Space in Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia.” Time and Space, British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 39th Annual Conference, St. Hugh’s College, Oxford.

“Emerson and the Politics of the Land.“ “Divided We Stand / United We Fall” Perspectives on Inclusions and Exclusions in America, Conference of the Graduate School of North American Studies, Free University Berlin.

“Sherman’s Campaign: Barnard, Melville, and the Movements of War.” Traveling in War Zones, Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Columbia University.

“Emerson’s Territories: Landscape, Property, and the Politics of Antebellum America.” Formen des Lebens und Weisen des Wissens, Workshop of the Graduiertenkolleg “Lebensformen   und Lebenswissen,” Humanities Center, Johns Hopkins University.

“Landscape and Territory in James Fenimore Cooper’s The Pioneers.” Wide Open Spaces, English Student Association Conference, CUNY Graduate Center.

“Wastelands and Wilderness.” Respondent to Peter Galison, Life: The Saving Word, Conference of the Graduiertenkolleg “Lebensformen und Lebenswisen” and the Poetics and Theory Program, New York University.

“The Poetics of Nation-Building: Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia and the Ordinances.” Postgraduate Forum of the German Association of American Studies, Chemnitz University of Technology.